This post reminds me of these quotes I liked from a talk:

“Faith in God and in the ultimate triumph of right contributes to mental and spiritual poise in the face of difficulties.”[Hugh B. Brown, in Conference Report, Oct. 1969.]

It is through Christ and His Atonement that all good things come into our lives. As we remember who we are, knowing that there is a divine plan of mercy and drawing courage in the strength of the Lord, we can do all things. We will find calm. We will be good women and men in any storm.

May we seek the blessings of Christlike poise, not only to help ourselves in challenging times but to bless others and help them through the storms in their lives.

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“We will be good women and men in any storm.” Being good in a storm is what I think God’s goal and desire is for us. 🤍 Thank you for your comment and sharing that insightful quote about poise!

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Powerful thoughts! I also believe that faith can exist alongside fear. To continue forward with faith in Christ (who at times does appear to be sleeping, loved your analogy) despite our fear and uncertainty, echos the desperate father’s plea in Mark 9:23-24, “Lord, I believe. Help thou mine unbelief.” His statement came right after the Savior told him that all things were possible unto them that believe. And he still received the miracle.

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I love that idea that maybe belief doesn’t need to be complete for it to still “count” as belief!

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