Feb 19Liked by Kimber Poon

Thank you for sharing your heart and journey with your faith in Jesus Christ. I love you! ❤️

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I love you! Thank you for reading! 🩷

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Feb 28Liked by Kimber Poon

Very heartfelt and meaningful Kimber. Interestingly you mention reading the new testament. My belief came first from reading the new testament as a teen. I felt a deep kinship to the teachings of Jesus about turning the other cheek, loving your enemy, finding value outside of money, integrity and calling out hypocrisy. I actually felt very keenly the disconnect between "the church" and what Jesus actually taught most of my life. I still consider myself a "secular christian" if not a "real" christian and am exploring my spirituality still and what that means. I've actually found a lot of meaning in secular buddism and the parallels to new testament christianity. I think it's very wise of you to "disentangle" rather than throw it all away as many do. ❤️

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Thank you for reading and sharing a thoughtful response! Love hearing your experience with finding values and ideas that resonate with you.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by Kimber Poon

This is such a beautiful, gentle cradling of something so tender and complex. Thank you for being vulnerable and giving your thoughts and feelings space to be. Following your intuition and carefully disentangling one piece at a time not knowing where it would leave “you” is so brave. It’s inspiring. ✨ Lots of love and support to you on your journey. 💕

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Thank you so much for your comment!! I love that you said it was a “gentle cradling of something so tender and complex” - that’s what I was hoping to do, so I appreciate that’s how it came across for you 🩷

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Feb 19Liked by Kimber Poon

I don’t know if you even remember me. You came to my stake girls camp with your cousin, Cassidy, when you were 12.

Just wanted to say thank you. You have expressed so many feelings I have been scared and unable to share. It truly does feel like you are taking apart of yourself as you sort through what you believe and what you don’t. Thank you for your bravery and for sharing your disenganglement process ❤️

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Kira, yes I absolutely remember you! I love that I still connect with so many people from your ward on social media. I know how scary it is to start re-evaluating your relationship with church. It gets better but it still is really hard, and just know I am with you on that journey! 🤍

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Feb 19Liked by Kimber Poon

Ok girl!!! You’re amazing! I’ve been in a similar boat the last 3 years. It’s a beautiful and sacred journey as we travel through the wilderness to find God. To truly be born again and born of God. I’d love to talk because I have received answers about polygamy and the Book of Mormon and why I stay. Lots of love to you for your courage!! I love your writing and the content you choose to share.

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Thank you so much for reading and taking time to respond to my writing! 🫶🏽 I love the idea of being like the Israelites and traveling through the wilderness on the pursuit of God. I’d love to hear what insights you have on those topics! Feel free to reply to me here or we can DM on Instagram or something.

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Feb 19Liked by Kimber Poon

Kimber, your words quite literally pulled me out of a depressing spiral. Thank you SO much, you have no idea how much this post has helped me.

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Wow, Callie! I’m so grateful to hear that. I’ve been in those spirals before, and I’m glad this post came at a fitting time for you. 🤍

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